Multislice CT Aquilion /RXL Edition New
Multislice CT Aquilion /RXL Edition New

Aquilion /RXL is a whole-body multislice helical CT system with a Quantum detector capable of generating 32 slices per rotation using the coneXact™ reconstruction algorithm. Utilizing new dose-reduction technologies such as AIDR 3D (Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction) and Active Collimator, the system substantially reduces the patient exposure dose and improves image quality. The new generation console unit and SURETechnologies application software further improve throughput, reducing the time required for diagnosis.

AIDR 3D (Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction 3D)
SUREExposure™ 3D (automatic exposure control)
Active Collimator
Dose Management Functions - Dose Check/Dose Report

The new console enables significant improvements in workflow, with faster reconstruction, automated processing, and remote access capabilities.
High-Speed Reconstruction
Automated Processing
SUREXtension™ (Remote Access)

Lung Volume Analysis
Colon View
Fat Index View
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Category: Medical devices